you're probably feeling this l.a. heat as i am! finally, summer feels like it's really here!
summer is a great time to go to the farmers market as it is filled with a great diversity of fruits and vegetables.
me personally, well i tend to go a little crazy at the farmers market and sometimes fill my bags with more than what Sunny and i can eat in time before things start making their way to the compost pile...
that's one thing about summer, fruits and vegetables ripen very quickly with the heat. so what to do about those yummy peaches, nectarines, berries, figs that you just can't eat in time? the solution:
homemade sorbet :)
yes! rather than throwing your very ripe fruits away because you know you're gonna be working, fruit flies are gathering and they're gonna go bad. rinse them or peel them, slice them, put them in a container and throw them in the freezer! from bananas to grapes, all fruits are suitable for delicious sorbet making! :)
then when you get home one friday and just wanna chill & watch a movie or something, or you wanna surprise that girl or boy that you're having over, but you don't want to go anywhere... just get those fruits out of the freezer, throw them in the blender with a little bit of juice, coconut water, or hemp milk, add maple syrup or honey and blend using the "ice crush" mode, until you get sorbet!
if your blender keeps getting stuck, you may need to add a little more liquid, use the pulse feature, or turn it off and mess with it with a spoon, then back on again. make sure you don't add too much liquid tho, as you'll end up with fruit flavored ice, not sorbet. just add and blend, mess with it with the spoon, blend...
then when you're done blending the heck out of it, put it in the freezer and in the meantime slice some fresh bananas. if you want to go all out you can mix coconut oil, cacao powder and honey or maple syrup, stir it for a few minutes, until you get a chocolaty yummy liquid. (if your coconut oil is hard, you may have to heat it a little until it's liquid).
now get the sorbet out, put it in some cute bowls, decorate it with the fresh bananas, pour some of that chocolaty mix on top, and if you want to add some cacao nibs and nuts, heck, do it!
this one in the picture i made with organic frozen strawberries and blueberries and hemp milk to make the sorbet. on top i added the chocolaty mix i just mentioned (which gets hard with the cold sorbet, yum! :), fresh bananas & peaches, with a dash of cacao nibs and raw almonds. YUMMM!
sorry for not having all the measurements, if you read my past blog postings, i never measure anything, this is how i roll... not very good for sharing recipes, but perhaps i have inspired you with the basic idea and you can get creative and go from there.
and now some inspiration:
Mmm... Looks delicious!